Dear colleagues
We are happy to announce that Registration and Extended Abstract Submission for GSG 2019 opens on 1st January, 2019.
This is the 15th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece, held every three years since the early 1980s. GSG 2019 will take place at the Harokopio University of Athens, Greece, between 22-24 May 2019.
The International Congresses of the GSG are multidisciplinary earth science events, focusing on, but not limited to, the broader Aegean region and its surroundings, with the view to highlighting the contribution of geosciences to the study of natural resources, natural hazards and environment. GSG 2019 aims at bringing together geoscientists from all over the world and providing a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, will present their research in all fields of geosciences.
You can now download the second circular to obtain information about the General and Special Sessions and Workshops/Seminars. Detailed information about registration, submission of Extended Abstracts, venue, accommodation, etc. are posted on the Conference website.
We wish you a Happy, Prosperous and Geo-exciting 2019!