The Geological Society of Greece was founded in 1951 as a non-profit scientific organization, to promote and advance the knowledge of all topics of geology. The shape of Santorini Island was set on the logo of the Society, since the volcano had erupted one year before.
Through International Congresses, scientific meetings, workshops, field trips and publications, the Society provides a forum for the presentation and dissemination of current knowledge related to the geology of Greece and the adjacent areas to earth scientists.
The affairs and business of the Society are managed by the Board of Directors, composed of 10 members, which are elected every second year.
The Society has established four thematic Committees to allow members specialized in the respective topics to advance knowledge in their research fields. Ordinary members of the Society may also participate in the activities of these Committees, which have their own Council composed of 5 members:
- Committee of Engineering Geology
- Committee of Economic Geology, Mineralogy & Geochemistry
- Committee of Hydrogeology
- Committee of Structural Geology and Tectonics
- Committee of Paleontology-Stratigraphy
- Committee of Geomorphology and Environment
- Committee of Geoscience Teaching
- Committee of Geological Heritage
The Society and its Committees are members or affiliated with European and International Geoscientific organizations:
- Association of European Geological Societies
- Carpatho-Balkan Geological Association
- International Association of Engineering Geology
- European Mineralogical Union
- International Mineralogical Association
- International Association of Hydrogeology