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Current society membership totals nearly 600 members. Any person engaged or interested in the field of Geology (s.l.), holding a bachelor's degree may apply for Society membership.

There are two categories of membership: ordinary and student. The candidate should fill in an application form, to be approved by the Board of Directors. Supporting signatures of two ordinary members of the Society are necessary. For student membership a certificate by the Secretariat of the University Department is necessary.

Members, in good standing, receive the Bulletin of the Society, the Newsletter (Geoenimerosi) and have the right to participate in Congresses at a reduced fee. They may also subscribe to the TERRA NOVA Journal at a special price.

The Society is run by a Council, consisting of nine members, including the President. The Council is elected by for a two-year term by the active Society members:

Gkanas Athanasios President
Antwnarakou Ashmina Vice-President
Kaklhs Triantafyllos Secretary General
Koutsobiths Petros Exec. Secretary
Mwraith Eugenia Treasurer
Ntrinia Xarikleia Trustee
Saroglou Xaralampos Member
Makrh Kyriakoula Member
Koskeridou Euterph Member